Sunday Church School
Sunday School classes meet regularly from September to May for children ages three through Grade 8 from 9:00 - 10:30 AM. We use a Bible-based curriculum called SPARK, published by Augsburg Fortress. We form classes based on either the student's age or current grade level in school so learning experiences and activities are geared toward the student's level of understanding. The middle school class 6th - 8th uses the SPARK HOUSE curriculum "Collaborate" focusing on the Old and New Testaments.
All classrooms are equipped with laptop computers and large screen TVs that enhance lessons for visual learners by use of video versions of the bible story and other audio visual material that may enrich the lesson experience. All lessons include interactive activities that reinforce the lesson such as games, crafts, skits, etc. All classes attend service on a rotating schedule and are dismissed after the children's sermon to do the lesson of the day. All students break at some point in the lesson to attend our breakfast buddies program for a light snack.
Children age 3 - 3rd grade take part in the Krystal Bells group that practices twice a month and play for select holiday services. Older children are all eligible to join the Chimes choir. This choir is an extra-curricular activity and does not meet during Sunday school. See Music Ministry tab for details.

PreSchool/PreK Ages 3 & 4

Kindergarten - Grade 1
Grade 2 - Grade 3
Grade 4 - Grade 5
Middle School Grades 6 - 8